Senin, 12 September 2016

I finished college! Um, hello real life?

I’m sorry for not updating this blog again. What happened to me? I used to love writing a lot. Well, life has been turning things without we even realizing.

Here we go…
I’ve graduated (Alhamdulillah! Hurrayy!), I can add the S.T. after my name officially.

IG: firnandarr

Last semester was totally insane!! So much things happened and I am so grateful for all those things.
I have completed some of my 2016 bucket list:
-was a finalist in CPDC --unfortunately not in the top 3, but we got people’s choice, not bad huh? considering we have Eja as Ketua BEM he he he.
-received the DIKTI scholarship for PKM UI to PIMNAS, although I wasn’t really going to PIMNAS.
-made PKM for OIM FT UI (guess what? I (and team) won the first place in two categories and DTK finally won the title back!! Couldn’t be more prouddd *tears coming down)
-took IELTS preparation test. Well, I can say that TBI is one of the best English course in town! Not even regret…….. but yeah, I haven’t take the real IELTS yet until now ha ha ha
-finished my thesis on time and with good mark. Thankyou Mrs. Dianursanti, you inspired me a lot. Uh I missed my 7 reactors and Spirulina in it.
-reached my final GPA target, it’s not cumlaude (but it’s so closeee huft), but I was pretty satisfied, u know, with all the non-academic stuff activities going together and all.
-was 45 kg when I’m wearing the kebaya, umm 45.9 kg to be exact wkwkwkwkwk. Still.
-Organized my feeling well. See, dude, I mature enough to control my own feeling now. Thanks to the-boy-who-broke-my-heart-beautifully, now I know it’s hard for me to start relationship and I carefully hide it. ARGH. Bismillah, ya Allah.

Yet, there are also sooooo many things un-achieved as days have passed, but it’s ok, 2016 is not over yet. Fight nan!

Oh, and another highlight is I joined MADK FTUI 2016 committee as wakabid materi -never thought about it before since I was already struggling with my thesis. But I won't complain! I enjoyed the moment, it was a super. And I never expected it would be this fun to work with them!
What do I do now? Waiting for opportunity to a better development hahaha.
Well, searching for a proper job is not easy, actually.  It’s as hard as searching soulmate (yikes, but true). I have to find a company that I need and needs me back *please need me back! :(

But you know what consumes me? The time of waiting for uncertainty –with no goals, no plans, no excitements. I feel no life. I feel it’s stop. I need something to do. I need to be more myself, who always get busy with goals, plans, and excitements. And I need more hellos. It’s killing me to not doing anything at home, with no people to interact with, ugh (my extrovert side come to the surface)!

And then it’s like my life cycle has ended and will start again soon: rejections, obstacles, rumors, misunderstandings, heart breaks, good byes –I will face it again, have to be ready and adapt fast. Wish me.... um, not luck, it hates me. Wish me well, I guess? Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.